Easyworship 7 how to put background behind scripture
Easyworship 7 how to put background behind scripture

easyworship 7 how to put background behind scripture easyworship 7 how to put background behind scripture

For example, we read about Abraham and his journey from Moses’ point-of-view as he led Israel through the wilderness on the way to the promised land. “When thinking about the original audience,” Hunter and Wellum explain, “we should distinguish the original characters in the story from the original readers, those who were reading Scripture about those characters” (47). Which is why in order to read the Bible in context, we need to read it in its historical context-beginning with the author and the original audience. “Every passage of Scripture emerges in the course of history” (47). The same is true for the Bible. Grasping these rules will help you read the Bible in context and therefore help you better study the Bible. But learning the rules can be a bit tedious and frustrating until you start to see how they fit into the larger game. If you know the rules, the game will make sense and you might even enjoy it. For Hunter and Wellum, understanding these 6 contexts is like reading the directions before playing a board game: In Christ from Beginning to End, authors Trent Hunter and Stephen Wellum outline six different contexts-three specific, three general-to help you read the Bible well. How, then, should we read the Bible? It starts with context. And we read the newspaper's front page differently than the opinion-editorials (or at least, we ought to read them differently).

easyworship 7 how to put background behind scripture

You wouldn’t read a historical novel on WWII the same way you would a nonfiction historical account of the same time. This question is important when picking up any document, from paperback to newspaper. It is God’s Word to us, given using a number of literary genres, through the stories of a cast of rotating characters, and over the span of a few thousand years.

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  • Easyworship 7 how to put background behind scripture